Animal Shelter/Goat House
Animal Shelter/Goat House:$2,499.00. This shelter/house is 6 ft.Wide x10 ft Long x 7 ft. Tall from ground to peak of roof on outside.(inside height is 6ft. Tall from floor to peak of inside roof). This animal shelter/Goat house includes interior trim, insulation package, paneling, and removable door included in price.
Delivery is $1.99/mile loaded one way.(+any tolls incurred)They can not be moved by hand as they weigh too much. We pull as close to your site as our trailer will allow. Also we do not level the site so keep that in mind when choosing a location for your shelter.
Extra amenities you can add on are as follows:
Outside Light...$99.00
Barn stars...$8.00/each(8"stars)